William Tecumseh Sherman was a Union Army General who played a significant role in the American Civil War. His leadership and tactical brilliance helped the Union achieve victory, and he is widely regarded as one of the most important military figures in American history. Today, Sherman is commemorated with several statues and monuments across the United States, and many of these monuments make for stunning photo opportunities. But what do you caption these photos with on Instagram?
In this blog post, we’ll share some of the best William Tecumseh Sherman monument captions for Instagram that are sure to make your photos stand out. So, whether you’re a history buff or just looking for some creative inspiration for your Instagram posts, keep reading to discover some great Sherman monument captions!
William Tecumseh Sherman Monument Captions For Instagram With Quotes
One good turn deserves another, and so it is with our massive William tecumseh sherman.
This handsome fellow is William Tecumseh Sherman. Reply with your favorite quote about him
Hello there, it’s William Tecumseh Sherman. If you like history, you might like reading my post on the Civil War. Check it out!
This week’s quote: “You can’t fight City Hall.” -William T. Sherman
Sherman’s strategy involved attacking the enemy’s weakest point and then breaking through.
What do you want?
If you’re looking for a new adventure, let us help you plan it.
My spirit will never be broken, I’ll fight again and again with my last breath
The Sherman Brothers are the two men who were responsible for the creation of some of Disney’s most beloved songs, including “So Close,” “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” and “Part of Your World.”
We’re a group of bold, creative, and motivated people who enjoy working together. We’re looking for that special person to fill an opening in our team.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t accomplish anything. It’s easy, you just have to believe in yourself and follow your heart
Cheers to new friends, old memories, and all the cool things that make us who we are.
The name of the game is respect. show it to others and you will get it back. #justdoit
What’s your idea of a perfect Sunday?
Best in the biz, William T Sherman!
William Tecumseh Sherman is one of the most influential generals in American history.
I miss the days when William Tecumseh Sherman was called a “hero.”
Hello, I’m William Tecumseh Sherman. I invented the telegraph, the light bulb, and the railroad.
Happy birthday to one of history’s greatest generals. William Tecumseh Sherman. May you inspire us each day, with your strong leadership, and kind heartedness.
To the Sherman family, may your life be filled with love and laughter.
Check out our new-season collection.
Wilt you love it?
if you want to do something great, you have to think big.
Why am I always laughing? That’s a good question, William.
When you’re with the best, you’re always in your element.
On the right path, there is no need for maps.
Today is the day to leave behind a legacy of the best you and do it with your whole heart.
We’re a confident bunch.
Meeting you here is where we’ll stay, has never been more true.
William Tecumseh Sherman was an American military officer, and one of the most important figures of the U.S. Civil War.
You should have gone to school with William Tecumseh Sherman.
William Tecumseh Sherman, who was born on this day in 1826, was a general in the US Army during the American Civil War. He captured and destroyed many towns and cities while commanding the Union’s Western armies.
This week in history: On May 8, 1864, Union General William Tecumseh Sherman arrived in Atlanta and began the process of destroying the city. He would spend the next two months sacking Atlanta and its contents and burning down everything he couldn’t carry away.
the Sherman Act is part of the Constitution and protects the rights of all Americans, who are guaranteed equal opportunity in all contexts.
The best way to honor our history is by living through it.
Make their day with a gift that will make them smile.
Calling all history buffs! If you love learning about the people who’ve shaped what we know and how we do it, this is your place.
I want to be a part of the larger story.
Life is a game of opportunity. Make the most of your time.
“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again because there is not effort without error or Merit without demerit.”
In the words of one of our favorite songbirds, “Your love is the answer to my prayers.”
It’s the little things that make a difference. Here’s to making them count.
A hard day’s work never seems so hard. With a little inspiration, it’s easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Let’s make it happen together.
Let’s talk about William Tecumseh Sherman: the most successful general of the War of 1812.
William Tecumseh Sherman was an American general during the American Civil War. He is most notable for his brilliant strategy and tactics in leading the Union to victory over the Confederacy.
William Tecumseh Sherman (March 15, 1820 – February 14, 1891) was an American soldier, businessman, and educator. He served as General of the Army during the Civil War.
William Tecumseh Sherman – Lesser known, but arguably the most important American general of all time.
Sherman was an American military leader and political activist during the American Civil War. He became the most successful battlefield general of the war, leading his troops to victory at the battles of Atlanta and Georgia. Sherman’s memoir, “Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman”, was published in 1875.
Join us in the celebration of the life of William Sherman, on April 13th at 6 pm.
Will Sherm be visiting your city?
A man’s character is the measure of his life.
You never know who will be standing next to you.
If you’re looking for a place to get away from it all, look no further.
“It is not enough to conquer the earth, we must also conquer ourselves.”
We make it a point to give back to our community by supporting local causes and events. Here are a few ways to get involved:
we love that you live in a place where the sunset is never-ending, the stars are always shining and there’s no place like home.
William Tecumseh Sherman was a general in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He is remembered for his strategy, which resulted in the capture of Atlanta and other key Confederate cities.
A Sherman, the kind of man who never backs down from a fight.
Your day will be better when you make it a Sherman Day.
The Sherman family tree is an amazing one–a tale of love, war, and family commitment.
The American Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery. It was also a war that greatly impacted Africa and the African Diaspora.
Cheers to our fearless leaders and the people who empower them. 🇺🇸
A kind smile is a pleasant sight. So let’s spread some cheer and make someone smile today!
If you’re looking to improve your memory this weekend, then here’s a simple exercise that could help.
the only way to keep up with your friends is to keep up with them
Let’s be honest—there’s a lot to be said for the simple pleasure of a good cup of coffee
“We don’t believe in the destruction of peace, freedom, and order by any force, foreign or domestic. We treat all men as brothers and we love all people.”
When it comes to great leaders, William Tecumseh Sherman is one of the greatest. This quote from his life will motivate you on your journey to success.
He will be remembered as one of our country’s greatest generals.
You are the backbone of what we do here at William tecumseh sherman. Thank you for being a part of our success.
Sherman’s famous words: “They may take our lives, but they never take our freedom.”
Remembering Willa Tecumseh Sherman, who was born on her Cherokee grandmother’s farm in the early 1800s.
Hey everyone, I’m William Sherman. I’m a veterinarian and a 4th generation farmer in the US. My family has been farming for over 150 years and we love putting our best foot forward.
He was a man for all seasons. One who fought for the principles of equality, fairness, and justice. He fought for what he believed was right, even when it was unpopular and less than noble.
We’ve got a great story to tell.
You’re going to want to be prepared for this weekend’s weather. Be sure your vehicle is ready with a William tecumseh sherman windshield repair kit from us!
Hello, world!
It’s all about the little things that make a big difference.
Hi, how are you doing? I’m doing great. You? What’s new?
Caught between the world’s two biggest empires, the United States and China, we all face the same challenges—and one of them is climate change. Let’s take a stand together and make a difference.
The monument, located in the heart of Sherman Park, celebrates the life and times of one of America’s greatest generals.
Standing tall in the heart of downtown, the William Tecumseh Sherman Monument is a tribute to our first Civil War hero and one of the most influential Americans of all time.
William T. Sherman Memorial: The man who gave us the phrase “war is hell.”
The Sherman Monument is regarded as the most recognizable symbol and tribute to a Union general that the United States of America has ever witnessed.
The name William Tecumseh Sherman will be remembered as one of our great American Generals.
The great General William Tecumseh Sherman was a leader who embodied the best of American values and ideals.
Beneath this monument, the ashes of General William T. Sherman are interred. In the years that have passed since, men and women all over the world have honored him as a great soldier, a great leader, and a great man.
We are dedicated to preserving the history of Sherman, Georgia, and all of our other communities.
The legacy of this Union general is a real inspiration. He marched with men on the battlefield but was an advocate for the rights of African Americans and women in the US military.
One of the world’s greatest military men.
For those who lost loved ones in the Civil War, for all war dead, and for those who fought and died to preserve our country. We honor you.
The Civil War was a time of upheaval, but the people who fought it—both on the battlefield and in their hearts—were true Americans.
A life well lived is a good life.
If you’re lost, we’ll show you the way. If you’re right, we’ll fight for it. If you’re wrong, we’ll laugh at you. That’s what friends are for!
This monument is dedicated to the memory of Major-General William T. Sherman, the most brilliant and successful general of the Civil War.
We’re all about the country’s history, especially when it involves our favorite generals. “W” for William Tecumseh Sherman.
This map of where William Tecumseh Sherman fought is a good reminder of just how much he accomplished.
It’s our pleasure to welcome you to the William Tecumseh Sherman Monument. We’ve been waiting for this day since 1879!
This statue of the Union general was erected in Springfield, Illinois in 1937. It honors the man who led the Union to victory during the Civil War.
Great to see the Sherman Monument is getting plenty of attention from visitors and locals alike!
This is the story of a war that changed the history of America. Take a look at this monument and learn more about this man who has been called one of our greatest military leaders.
The world’s greatest general, who fought with courage and dignity during the Civil War.
On that day, we will remember the brave men who fought for our country. On that day, we will honor their sacrifice and pay tribute to their selflessness.
We believe it is our duty to preserve the history of our great nation and to instill in our children the knowledge that we must never forget.
That’s right, we’re back! With a new location and new faces, we can’t wait to see you again.
It’s not necessary to change the past.
It’s always a good day when you can check off another item on your bucket list. #shimmytour
Greatness is achieved not by those who roll in luxury and comfort, but by those who dare to roll in the dirt.
The storytellers of the trail knew the name of every place, whether it be a hidden lake or a well-hidden grizzly bear.
William Tecumseh Sherman Monument, in Washington D.C.
The statue of General William Tecumseh Sherman is one of the most famous monuments in America.
Take a walk on the wild side with this Monument to William Tecumseh Sherman.
Come experience the legacy of one of America’s greatest generals, William Tecumseh Sherman.
The ultimate tribute to the Civil War’s most enduring general, William T. Sherman.
William Tecumseh Sherman, the Civil War General who is considered the father of modern warfare.
The name William Tecumseh Sherman is synonymous with the Civil War. This statue in his honor was dedicated in 1898, and depicts him as a young man during the Mexican-American War…
Captured by the vision of a nation, this monument honors the memory of General William Tecumseh Sherman, who labored for over two decades to unite the American people and bring them together in liberty.
The most famous military figure of the 19th century, General William Tecumseh Sherman is best remembered for his march through the South during the Civil War
The Monument to William Tecumseh Sherman marks the spot where he died on March 15, 1891. He is considered one of the most brilliant and controversial military leaders in American history.
A monument to a great man. A great leader, who showed the way for a new generation of Americans by freeing slaves, rebuilding our cities, and fighting in some of the most crucial battles of the Civil War. #CivilWarRebirth
The mighty general who took the captured city of Atlanta, and marched through Georgia to the sea.
The story of one man’s life, and the impact he had on history.
Walk proud and never forget that you are the descendants of men who made the country you live in what it is today.
This is the last time I will ever say hello. But goodbye, I hope it’s not for long.
Commemorate the greatness and legacy of William Tecumseh Sherman with this beautiful, striking monument.
This monument is dedicated to the memory of the Soldier, General William Tecumseh Sherman, and his achievements as a leader.
A statue of William Tecumseh Sherman on his horse, to inspire and be a reminder that we are all connected
A monument to one of the greatest military leaders of our time.
William Tecumseh Sherman was a great American. He was a brave soldier who lead the war to end slavery and a legendary general.
Born in Ohio, but he became a Civil War Hero. And now he has this monument to prove it.
A memorial honoring one of America’s most influential leaders.
The monument here bears witness that he lived, loved, and died in this place as one of us.
Going on a trip? Yesterday, we made your bags, today we made your monument.
You were born in a place where your people had suffered under the yoke of tyranny. But you rose to become one of the greatest men who ever lived. Remember that your legacy is not measured by monuments, but by what you have done in life.
The most important thing a person can do for their fellow men helps them to keep their honor and respect for honesty, truth, and decency. The man who does this will never fail to win friends and respect, there will be no strife in his family and no bitterness among his neighbors.
Thanks for the memories, William Tecumseh Sherman.
It’s one of the most iconic monuments in America. The William Tecumseh Sherman Monument is a beautiful tribute to an American soldier, soldier who was a hero at home and abroad.
Now it’s your turn to visit the William Tecumseh Sherman Monument! Come see our tribute to the West Point graduate who led the Union to victory in the Civil War 🎓
A monument to the greatest general of all time. #TheGeneral
The bust of General William Tecumseh Sherman faces south over Grant’s Tomb, across the Tidal Basin. It is a fitting memorial to this great American leader and his fearless comrades.
Rest in Peace, General William T. Sherman. You’re a true American hero.
The name William Tecumseh Sherman will be long remembered as the man who freed the slaves, destroyed the Confederate armies, and revolutionized warfare.
Not only did he win the war, but he also helped build this city. He was an American hero!
Sherman’s march from Atlanta to the sea illustrates the resilience of our nation and its people.
Did you know? William Tecumseh Sherman was the only Union general who was awarded a Medal of Honor for leading a charge against Confederate positions.
The words of Sherman are an important part of our heritage, and we should always remember that he was just a man.
We are here to honor the memory of one who embodied the spirit of freedom, who made brave choices, stood tall, and saw justice done.
The legacy of one of America’s greatest military leaders is forever etched in the hearts and minds of Americans everywhere, reminding us that freedom is never free.
Forever in the hearts of those who fought and died to make our freedom possible. #thanksgiving #wss
A nation’s heroes are long forgotten. But the story of them lives on in the way they lived their lives and how their deeds have shaped our country.
Remembering William Tecumseh Sherman, our first war hero.
William Tecumseh Sherman was the man who changed the face of America and won the Civil War.
This monument to the great Civil War general, William Tecumseh Sherman, was erected in 1934. It is located at the corner of East Main Street and Memorial Drive.
Dedicated to the memory of General William T. Sherman, the greatest soldier America has ever produced.
The greatest of all American heroes, William Tecumseh Sherman, may rest in peace.
The words “In God We Trust” are inscribed on this monument to General William T. Sherman, who lived in Savannah for 15 years and is buried here.
William Tecumseh Sherman is known as a brilliant military strategist and general. He was born on this day, February 8th in 1820.
Dedicated to the memory of General William Tecumseh Sherman, though a native of Ohio and one of the most distinguished soldiers of the Civil War.
The most famous soldier in American history.
This monument to the Union general and late president of the United States was dedicated in 1913. It was designed by architect Cass Gilbert, who also designed New York’s Grand Central Station.
“He won the war. Now it’s your turn to win the peace”
We remember a great and noble leader, who led his men to victory and inspired the nation.
The story of this great man who made history is inspiring and worth telling.
Battlefields are made of hills, and the battlefields of our history were made of men.
When a war is over, it ends. But the memory of it lives on forever.